Edmonds Toy Shop in December and Books Bikes & Berries in June are our two community outreach programs that expand beyond our regular food distributions.
TOY SHOP provides holiday gifts to Edmonds Food Bank customers with children ages newborn through 17. In-person shopping for customers with children ages infant-elementary school will take place December 7th. For households with middle school and high school children, gift cards will be available with food orders from the food bank.
BOOKS BIKES & BERRIES is a community event that provides children and youth with bikes at the beginning of the summer months. Our volunteers and staff work year round collecting new bikes and fixing up used ones. Read more about last year’s event here.
VOLUNTEER: We need volunteers on December 7th as well as help leading up to the event. Please visit our link to sign up:
We are collecting new toys and books for ages 0-9. Donations are accepted until December 7th at the food bank, Mondays from 9-6pm and Tuesdays-Fridays 9-3pm. Monetary donations accepted here:
Email us: toyshop@edmondsfoodbank.org
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @EdmondsToyShop
New Supporters Contact toyshop@edmondsfoodbank.org to support our 2024 activities.
Visit Edmonds Food Bank | Washington Gives (wagives.org) to donate or to learn more!